Passive Income Update – March 2022

photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees

Passive income is still holding steady above, at above $3500. There will be a slight increase in rents moving forward as my basement unit was able to raise rent by $100. I expect cryptocurrency income to decline on a valuation perspective as rising interest rates continue to challenge risk assets. This SHOULD be partially offset by the 3 HNT miners (which I ordered around this time LAST YEAR) which are (hopefully?) arriving soon.

Major drivers to increase passive income this year will largely come from DRIPs, dividend raises and crypto investment income.

Income SourceAmount
This month I earned $3763.44 in passive income

I also decided to track my networth/monthly passive income journey since record keeping began on this blog!

Note: There will be some slight variance due to differing exchange rates from the time different reports are written.