Passive Income Update – February 2022

photo of pathway surrounded by fir trees

Change of plans, I forecasted my debt out 10 years under multiple scenarios. Moving forward for April, I will likely be reducing a lot of the payments I make to my loans down to $100/each. The remainder of my funds will go into either the mortgage or the LOC. If I go into the mortgage, that opens up HELOC room to then absorb the LOC, but adds a month delay. I’ll try it out for a month and see how I like it.

My current projections has my debt reduced to just the LOC and HELOC by January, with the latest being
May 2023. I’ll try to hit the January milestone, but realistically am looking towards March/February for my debt situation to materially stabilize.

Income SourceAmount
This month I earned $3505.09 in passive income

Note: There will be some slight variance due to differing exchange rates from the time different reports are written.