Passive Income Update – January 2022

close up shot of a person holding a pen and a calculator

This marks the fourth month in a row where my passive income was above $4000 CAD/month! A huge milestone to achieve. My focus for the next while will be deleveraging my portfolio to improve future free cash flow. As such, I expect my passive income growth to slow quite considerably this year.

I am considering taking some steps within my TFSA to help mitigate this and continue to grow my passive income outside of DRIPs and dividend raises. Currently my thought process is going towards more “retiree” focused funds which offer a higher yield, albeit with little/no dividend raises, but are strong enough to maintain or even grow the principal – as direct capital loss through depreciating NAVs are not not something I consider worth entertaining.

The intent for these funds is to help establish an emergency cashflow portfolio that I can draw on as needed. If the cashflow is not needed, they’ll simply DRIP. After I’ve finished establishing this portfolio, my intent is to return to dividend growth companies as my core investment portfolio.

The reason for these multiple portfolios is to help mitigate any potential need for me to stop DRIPs on my core investments because I need the cashflow, and help prevent the need to sell my portfolio in case of any emergencies.

Income SourceAmount
This month I earned $4230.25 in passive income

Note: There will be some slight variance due to differing exchange rates from the time different reports are written.