Chowder Rule Investment Strategy: Your Flavorful Recipe for Dividend Success

In the world of investment strategies, sometimes, the most evocative terms yield the most substantial results. Meet the “Chowder Rule”, a term as flavorful as it sounds and a strategy with a proven track record of seasoning investment portfolios with robust and consistent growth. If you’re a dividend investor aiming Continue Reading

The Best Canadian Bond ETFs: Navigating the Top Picks for Your Portfolio

When navigating the financial markets for stable returns, the best Canadian bond ETFs often stand out. Amidst market volatility, these ETFs shine through due to their inherent stability and predictable returns. If you’re aiming to dip your toes into the bond market without the hassle of picking individual bonds, then Continue Reading

Maximize Tax Deductions and Accelerate Wealth Building with the Smith Manoeuvre

The Smith Manoeuvre is a popular investment strategy that can help you pay off your mortgage faster, build an investment portfolio, and maximize tax deductions. Developed by Fraser Smith, this strategy involves using the equity in your home to invest in income-generating assets, such as dividend-paying stocks or mutual funds. Continue Reading