Crypto Income Update – March 2022

shallow focus photography of black and silver compasses on top of map

Crypto recovered slightly in March, which helped slightly increase earnings for the month. Unfortunately HNT income declined month on month, which I believe is partially due to some network issues early on, along with networth growth. I decided to stake my current HNT to try and garner some extra yield on what I have. It’s not a lot currently, but we’ll see how it goes. In the near future, the Income section of this post will likely return as my crypto balances build back up. For those curious, currently staking the small amount of HNT that I do have, I’m expecting around $2.10 / month. It should work out to about a 4.9% yield.

I have also been experimenting with small amounts of DeFi yield farming and will share any interesting developments.

Another note is that I have a roadmap planned out for what I’ll be doing with my crypto, but we will see how the market evolves over the next year and whether I have enough crypto to realize the action plan. Currently, I’m aiming to start that phase around the new year, right around the time when all my credit card debt is consolidated into my LOC and HELOC.


CryptocurrencyAmountAmount in CAD*
Total: $404.37

Total Monthly Income from Crypto: $404.37

*FX taken at time of writing