Crypto Income Update – August 2021

One of my cryptocurrency miners arrived halfway through the month! The earnings have been alright, if a little on the low side due to factors beyond my control. Regardless, it is additional income and due to my previous activities, the ROI should be pretty fast. This will start to appear in my Crypto reports later this autumn.

In terms of Ethereum mining, this is the first full month mining ETH on my 3090. There were a couple nights/days where I switched off this miner due to heatwave concerns, but I’m still very pleased with the earnings generated this month.

My browsing activities generated some BAT, which I’ve outlined below. Some generous individuals also tipped my website over the past month ever since I wrote about becoming a Brave verified content creator! Thank you so much! It means a lot to me! To separate this from my own browsing activities, I will be placing it under Investing (for now – this may change later), however this income will attributed to my website in my own tracking sheet.


CryptocurrencyAmountAmount in CAD*
Total: $388.03

For investing, I took a more passive approach this month. As a result, my cryptocurrency income fell off dramatically compared to last month. An interesting effect of having more decimal places in cryptocurrency investments means that in the reports I receive, I can see the affect of compounding to a greater degree – it’s very fun to see it grow with the compounding over time. My current expectations are that my crypto investment income will grow and compound at a decent pace once I have my mining operations underway.


CryptocurrencyAmountAmount in CAD*
Total: $12.09

This month’s combined income is a fraction of what it was last month. This decrease is primarily due to less focus on high-risk, high-reward investing strategies and adopting a more conservative and hands-off investing approach. The purpose of this change is to obtain some benchmarks for my own data.

Combined Income Total

CryptocurrencyAmountAmount in CAD*
Monthly Earnings from Crypto: $400.12

*FX taken at time of writing