Blog Updates: Crypto, passive income reports and more!

As I’ve been investing in crypto for a while now, I’ve decided to add a section dedicated to cryptocurrencies to my blog. I’m still working out the fine details, so things can and will change in the future.

I’ve been involved in cryptocurrencies for a long, long time. It’s only fairly recently (November 2020) when I sat down seriously and used crypto as part of my core investments. I’ve been fairly active in the crypto-sphere for the last year and figure, for the sake of transparency, to include cryptocurrency on this site moving forward.

Now, I know this deviates from the url and name of the site, Canadian Dividend Adventure, but I think it’ll be a welcome addition. I’m not quite sure if I should rebrand the site (I may) or just leave things as is. Time will tell in this regard.

Some of the other planned updates to this blog include:

  • Crypto Report – Given the volatile nature of crypto, I will be include any crypto purchases/exchanges and crypto income I generate in a singular report.
  • Passive Income Report – This will be an additional section on the blog which provides a combined macro view of my Dividend Income Reports, Crypto updates, rental income, and any other passive income adventures I embark on.
  • Net Worth Updates – This existing section will include my crypto activity from November 2020 onwards, effective for the July 2021 update.
  • Portfolio – This is another new section I will be adding to my blog at some point in the future. This will include my stocks (by account type), crypto allocations, and any properties I may have.

That’s all the planned updates and changes I have for now. Given it’s Canada Day and I took Friday off to have a long weekend, there will likely be a string of updates over the next few days.

Happy Canada Day!