Dividend Update May 2020

This month I picked up $71.87 in dividends.

The fluctuation between this month and the previous month is due to quarterly dividends. Some companies pay their dividends monthly, such as many REITs, others quarterly, and some annually.

I made some major additions to my portfolio this month, which should start to show up over the summer in my monthly report, I’m excited to get the snowball rolling.

With all that said, there is some degree of risk with dividend investing. There’s no guarantee that the company will continue to pay their dividends, and there is some risk that a company will cut their dividends.

In my own portfolio, I’ve had 2 dividend cuts at this point in time from IPL and HR.UN. The cuts hurt, but it’s preferable that a company cuts their dividend rather than go out bankrupt. Forward looking, I’m thinking about a re-allocation once I finish diversifying my portfolio.

I’m starting to add other sections to this blog, you might have noticed a Why Dividends? link up top. The next section I’ll be adding will be about dividend reinvestment plans, or DRIPs, for short, which helps drive the portfolio I’m building for myself.

Until then, stay safe people!