Dividend Update August 2020

This month I earned $351.27 in dividends.

What a month!

The results of all my portfolio additions since March are starting to show up in my monthly dividend reports! As a special bonus, I’ve decided to make an upgrade to my monthly reports by including a fancy graph for you to marvel at.

Ta da!

I have these numbers listed on my dividend income reports page, but it’s not until I chose to put them on a graph that I actually realize how much I’ve grown it this year. It instills an incredible sense of gratitude and thankfulness that I am in a position to be doing this when an obscene amount of people right now are struggling due to circumstances that were completely out of their control.

My heart goes out to them and I feel as if I should try and donate a bit to a cause, if only because I am still fortunate enough to be able to give back to others.

I have a few ideas of where I’ll be diverting most of my funds for the coming months. Currently, I’m looking more into financials and renewable energy.

I’d also like to round out my TFSA portfolio and get everything in there on a DRIP at some point, so I can enjoy the benefits of compounding interest. If you’re wondering why I’m interested in renewable energy, I did a recent article where I examined three stocks for a dividend investor that perform like tech.

One odd thing that I’m beginning to notice is that I’m starting to have a lot of fun writing and updating this blog. It’s… enjoyable. I’ve also found myself drawn to more and more investing communities and actively participating in discussions. It’s really refreshing. It feels like this was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.

I do wish I started sooner (I’m not young, but I’m not old either). Ah well, c’est la vie. I do hope your own investing journey is going well too!

Stay safe and stay healthy!